About Us
- We are the leading commercial and industrial recycling service provider in the Waco area, focusing on recycling and solid waste cost reduction programs!
- We are dedicated to designing programs that maximize your recycling revenue potential and reduce the cost of your solid waste.
- We put our customers first with timely, reliable service and we care about preserving our environment.
Our History
Opened our doors in Fort Worth, Texas in October of 1996
Expanded to Waco, Texas when we acquired Sunbright Paper Recycling in February 1999
Entered the trash collection business in Waco in 2001 (Sunbright Disposal Services)
Grew again in January 2002 when we opened our Arlington, Texas brokerage office (Evergreen Fiber Sales)
Evergreen Disposal Services started in 2014
News & Articles
Our Resources
3 Ways Businesses Can Build Sustainable Communities With A Waco Recycling Center
Smart businesses in Waco, Texas know the responsibility they have to implementing practices that are beneficial to our local communities.
2024 Trends In Commercial Recyling: Bright Or Bleak Future?
Commerce produces a lot of waste, making commercial recycling programs critical for all responsible companies. Without commercial recycling programs, commercial
Deep Dive Into How Cardboard Is Recycled And Reused
Ever wonder what happens to those broken down cardboard boxes you and the team toss in the recycling bin? Let’s